Gift Ideas for Babies and Toddlers (Ages 0 to 2)
A list of the best toys for 0 to 2 year olds! Tested and approved by my two boys.
These are toys without buttons and lights and obnoxious sounds. Somewhere closer to Montessori type toys.
Homemade Dino Gummy Vitamins
Homemade, delicious, toddler-approved gummy vitamins. Easy, quick and fun to make.
Helping The New Mama
How can you best help a new mama? I surveyed a bunch of mamas and the answer is here.
Oxytocin - The Happy Hormone
Oxytocin is kind of awesome.
I gotta warn you, I'm about to get kind of nerdy in this blog post. I find this stuff fascinating, and I love getting into the nitty-gritty of it all.
If you're not into that, that's alright. I realize this article won't be everyone's cup of tea…
Weaning Off The Boob
My goal was to breastfeed at least a year, but beyond that, I didn't really have much of a plan.
Breastfeeding is supremely convenient. I used the magic of the boob for everything. Baby's hungry? Boob. Baby's teething or uncomfortable? Boob. Baby needs to go to sleep? Boob. Baby wakes up in the middle of the night? Boob
A Child’s Dignity
Imagine being a baby.
Your body isn't yet totally under control. You try to walk and your legs wobble under you. Drool pours out of your mouth involuntarily. You want to grab something but your hands don't seem to listen to you.
The Wonder of Childbirth
wonder - noun
a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
Take Care of Yourself, Mama
For fifteen years, I committed myself to my career. I usually worked seventy to eighty hours a week. Typically, I was commuting ten or more hours a week.
I Am Not A Crunchy Mom
I am not a crunchy mom.
I mean, after all, I use disposable diapers! Sure, they're made from plant based materials and are fragrance free… but I'm not using cloth diapers!
Everyone Has An Opinion About Your Parenting
Everyone has an opinion on how you should be raising your child. This is simply unavoidable.